Friday, November 13, 2009

Good news November

I guess that this will be my month. I finally have a nurse to help me out in the day. Hip hip huray! At least for the next three weeks I will have a nurse to help me out during the day 5 days a week. Isen't that crazy. I dont know what I'll do come December, but we will cross that road when we have to.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

The baby has been sick for the past two months, and the kids keep bringing home one bug after another. I am starting to wonder if any of us will ever be well again. I have always loved Halloween, but this year I was just to tired to get in the spirit. Adam had a costume day at school, so I sent Chris to pick something out at wal-mart. It ended up to be cute, and Adam was happy. Other then that, the only Halloween decoration we had was a pumpkin that our friend brought over when he came to visit. Somehow, it just randomly grew in his yard. How does that happen? I have to plant, water, fertilize, and pollinate, and I'm lucky if I get anything to grow. He just lets random things pop up and grow. Hmmm.... Anyway back to the story. Halloween comes along, and Chris woke up and wanted to make a big breakfast. I tried to say no. I had a million reasons why I did not want to do it, the mess, the time etc... Chris said that it was a holiday, and he wanted to celebrate. So, we did a big breakfast. Then he pulled out the pumpkin that his friend had given us, and carved it with Adam. Adam had so much fun, and the fun was contagious. Soon we were all in the mood to make this a memorable holiday. We got down the Halloween boxes and started decorating the yard. Chris got out the projector and we played a Halloween movie on some sheets in front of our garage. At one point I came out to find a group of teenagers sitting in our driveway to watch the show. Its nice to be the cool house. I made a nice sausage and potato soup with bread sticks for dinner and at the end of the day felt wonderful. Of course the next day I had a mess to clean up, but I think that it was worth it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A name for puppers

The votes have all been counted, and the puppy has been named. Her name is..... Crush! I know what your thinking, that name wasn't on the list, but it is her name. Her owners saw our poster yesterday, and came to pick her up. We had only had her for two days, but somehow got very attached. We were all sad to say the least. The boys want a new dog, but I don't think that it's the right time right now. With the baby, Adam, and all of the other things that go on in our house, I just don't have time for dogie training, and poo poo pick up. Maybe someday.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Too Cute!

Yesterday I came home to find that they boys (Aaron & Adam) had adopted a stray or lost puppy. Now I'm not a big dog fan, but even I had to admit that this dog is adorable!!! "Found dog" posters were put up last night, and every time the phone rings, I think that it will be the owners calling for their beloved pet. We have been having so much fun with this little pup, and we are already trying to give it a name.
The names are...
Hot cocoa By Adam
Fuzzy Wuzzy By Aaron
Hyper Pyper By Angie
Smokey -the bear By Angie
Dr. Pepper By Chris
What do you think?
When we were taking the dog for a walk I remembered that it is a New Mexico state law for all dogs to be micro chipped. We are taking him in to pet smart to be scanned today @ 3:30. This could all be over soon...... look for an update tomorrow.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Wow it's been a while. We have had a lot going on here, but no time to post. I just wanted to get these pictures of Kayla and Ryan up ASAP for the Grandmas!!! I'll post all of the other updates latter.

Ryan is fake opening the door for Kayla, but Kayla is actually the one driving! Ryan would love to be the one driving, but he has no car right now =(

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are you ready for some Football?

One of the reasons that Christian wanted to go to school this year was for the Football. Wow, his life has changed so much this year. Last year he did Cyber School which was only two days a week, and they were only half days. The rest of his schooling he did at home. It was good, but it was time for a change, and this year will be a big change. It's his first year of seminary. He wakes up at 5:00 and is to seminary by 6:00, then to school which starts just after 7:00, then to football practice from 3-5:30. By the time he is home it's 6:00 or latter and he eats dinner as fast as he can so that he can have friend time before I make him come in for homework and back to bed. Things get really crazy when he has youth night at church. I wonder how long it will be before he gets burned out. Teenagers think that they are invincible, we will see!

This is a pic. of Adam in Christians helmet. What a difference 10 years make.


I could hear my mom singing these words in my head all day. "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Can you hear it too? Kayla, Christian, Aaron and Adam have all started school. I was thinking about homeschooling all of them this year, but they voted Public school. Thank goodness!! What was I thinking? I may have been able to do it with the older kids, but Adam and Zach are so demanding! Momma needs some down time!!!!

Chris went out get some school clothes for Adam yesterday. I have to admit that I was a little nervous about handing the job over, but he did a fantastic Job. Two polo shirts, two pants, and an adorable pair of shoes. When I woke up this morning however, I realized that it was to warm for heavy shirts, and long pants. I was hoping that Chris wouldn't be to upset when he saw that I put Adam in Shorts and a T-shit. At least he could where his new shoes. Well, maybe not. When I put the new shoes on, they slipped off every time he took a step. When Chris saw Adam he was sad that he did all of that work for nothing. Then he put the new shoes on Adam, and tied them really tight. Those shoes were going nowhere. Adam is so cute. He was so excited about going to school!